Strategy, Guidance and Support

for Women in Business

Hybrid coaching to guide your Expansion

The Slick Coaching Club helps you build on the progress that you have already made.

Keeping you accountable, as you grow to your next level. 

We know what it takes to run a business, a home, a life and a family. 
Spinning many plates, that without proper management can lead to overwhelm, deflation and burnout. 


Having the right strategy in place makes operating your business smoother and leaves more space for Joy. 


The Slick Coaching Club is designed to support you with a plan, knowledge, skills,

accountability and a community to cheer you on. 

In The Club... 


Monthly Live Group Coaching

Live online monthly group coaching call designed to help you learn, grow and progress. Get our eyeballs on your business. Share ideas and get live input on your next move. 

Quarterly Marketing Strategy

Take the heavy lifting out of your marketing strategy with a quarterly planning session in line with the goals you want to achieve. Receive ideas and inspiration to get ahead. 

Strategic Goal Setting

Learn how to plan goals you can actually achieve by following the slick goal-setting method. Create, implement, achieve. 

Voice note support

Supportive community connected 24/7. Voice note support from the coaches to help you stay focused and progressive.

Accountability check-in

Stay accountable to your goals with direct check-ins from a coach, partnered member or the community. Celebrate your wins and results with the club. 

Access to the Slick Success Hub

During your time in the club get access to the all of the online business and marketing courses inside the Slick success hub. 

You didn't come this far to only come this far.

With a strong desire, a willingness to learn and the right action, you can achieve your business and life goals.

We know what you are capable of and that is why we have designed the coaching club to inspire you to keep taking action.  

Running a business can be simple.

You need a problem, a solution, and an audience ready to buy to make money.

It is all the moving parts that trip us up along the way. 

Overwhelmed, confused, and unproductive action along with limiting beliefs stop play.

A side of fear wrapped up in procrastination and it's the perfect storm for quitting on your dreams and not achieving your goals. 

You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.

So for the next leg of your journey, we can be your running partner, cheering you on, in your corner, pointing you in the right direction and holding you accountable along the route to achieving your goals. 

Develop your mindset.

Increase your skill.

Create results.


Join the Coaching Club


This coaching experience gets you in the (virtual) room with Slick coaches 

Get expert eyeballs on your business. 

Uncover what you need to do next and receive the support and guidance to take the action.


Three-month membership Investment 



(Monthly payment plan of £99 per month available)

Monthly Live coaching session

Quarterly Marketing Strategy designed to help you take the heavy lifting out of your sales plan.

Strategic Goal setting session.

Group support pod with voice note support to answer questions and move your forward quickly and effectively.

Accountability check-ins

Access to the Slick Success Hub online course portal.  




Join now and receive additional coaching and discounts.

Access to all Live Coaching Calls hosted by Sam for the Master your Business and Scale your Efforts live group program.

Receive a 20% reduction on all other services (including hypnotherapy) and events. 


And ill do everything I can to get out of it.  
Modern-day concepts of how we live as women and men offer a lot of restraints, restraints that often make us unhappy. 
My mission is to break down those barriers so that I can live a content and fulfilling life and so that I can show you how to as well. 
If the crowd says go left, I look right.
I ask the questions that open the space for growth and if it feels aligned I look for the slickest way to get results.
With 19 years of self-employment and business under my belt, ( I know I can't quite believe it either) I have discovered my zone of genius in coaching and hypnotherapy -
I am obsessed with understanding how all three minds (conscious, subconscious and super conscious) operate and uncovering upper limits and inner conflict. Knowing that this is the key to unlocking our true potential and joy. 
"She has this remarkable ability to help clients uncover their blocks and overcome any limiting beliefs that have been keeping them feeling stuck or going round in circles."
I am fuelled with passion for this type of work and even though it can feel like you are buried in complexity the intention of the mind is quite simple. No matter who you are or what you are experiencing in terms of mindset blocks, this deep and freeing work can help you create amazing transformations.
And I am here for that!
Mostly... (I'm not perfect) I am super-efficient when it comes to productivity and time management.
"She is the Time Wizard. So if you struggle with focus, managing your time and getting all the tasks done that you need to; Sam helps you strip it all back, figure out where the energy leaks are and then teaches you how to apply her methods to your own business and life. An absolute game changer."
My goal has always been to generate the most impactful turnover in the least amount of time. I have successfully achieved this time and time again throughout my self-employed career. 
It is about working smart, not hard, and leaving you with the brain space and energy to go after what you really want. 
Opening up the space that relieves you of pressure and stress and instead, you become fuelled with passion and purpose that makes living in flow effortless.
Want to know more about if this type of work is for you? 


Slick Transformations 

"I am definitely achieving more and working smarter."

I am so pleased that I made the decision to join Sam on this program. I have learnt more than I ever thought possible. I now have a clear strategy to follow that I will use time and time again. I am excited to see where this all takes me. I have a new business about to be launched thanks to Sam’s coaching. The support and encouragement has been just perfect for me. I am definitely achieving more and working smarter.
I am very grateful and would highly recommend working with Sam.

Judy Walford - Beauty Therapist and Business Owner


"I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is overwhelmed in their business or wanting to create more time."

I enrolled in the Master Your Business Course, partly knowing what I wanted to create at the end of it. However, what you learn is so much more, the background to creating products, and full insight and support in how to set up campaigns and technical support. The group setting was fabulous because we all shared and learnt from each other. Sam is so knowledgeable and holds the space in order to allow you to grow at your own time. The course has given me the base knowledge to grow and scale multiple times and ways.
It was intense at the beginning, however, Sam created a group where we could ask further questions and a 2 hour strategy call also. I Would wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is overwhelmed in their business or wanting to create more time and business ideas. Thank you so much Sam.


Paula Stuart - Menopause Coach


"After spending thousands of pounds on coaching I finally found Sam,"

Sam has helped me in the areas in my business and mindset where I was stuck. The clarity, the decision making, the mindset shifts, and the blocks that stopped me from giving my full potential, Sam has helped me more than words can say, in my business and personal life. She makes things feel lighter like I don’t have the world on my shoulders, I can talk to her about anything and everything, even if it makes no sense to me ... she still gets it. Sam keeps me aligned, keeps me motivated and keeps me sane!! Before having 1-1 coaching with Sam I felt lost. Now I have so much clarity, I understand my behaviors, what motivates me and most of all Sam has given me have the confidence to believe in myself.

"I have worked with so many coaches"

Over the 6 years I have been in businesses, often switching or being unfulfilled when finishing my calls. I felt unheard, misaligned & also like I had to fit in with whatever they thought was the possible route. No one truly listened & brought out my own inner wisdom.
Sam showed something different, it wasn’t a ‘one size fits all’, it wasn’t a ‘do this or you won’t be successful’… it was a heart to heart conversation where she was fully present & I felt seen for the first time in what I was struggling with in my business, and in my life.
I started my sessions & instantly felt lighter. Not just for the style of mentoring Sam provided, but the wisdom and techniques truly blew me away & continue to as I implement them into every single part of day to day life.
There is no exaggeration that my mind feels clear, I feel I have direction, strategy & the best thing is… she gave me the tools to continually do this again and again. A coach/mentor however you’d put it, that actually teaches longevity to navigate the craziness we call life as an ambitious woman.
I can’t thank or recommend Sam enough, and I will continue to work with her.

"The insights and support has been completely invaluable in repositioning my business"

After expanding my qualifications and deciding to make the transition from a Personal Trainer to a holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Slick steered me through a brilliant process that helped me pin down my ‘Unique Solution’ and how to communicate this to prospective clients. This clarity made the mammoth project of developing a whole new set of packages and content for my new website so much easier! 
Before we looked at my business, we spent some time understanding my personal core values. This threw massive light on how I want to help people through my business and how I want to show up on social media and as a person every day. Having this ‘anchor’ of core values has been so grounding and empowering, both personally and on my business journey.

"After running my business for 10 years"

I felt that I needed to take it in a different direction. Slick helped me in the first instance to create that space to be able to allow the ideas for the next steps to arrive. And now it is helping make those next steps happen.  Having a family life herself, Sam knows the pitfalls that we fall into too easily - putting ourselves on the back burner and working on our businesses around nap times and childcare. Sam takes this into account and had helped me accelerate the pockets of time I have to maximum capacity without feeling overwhelmed. She has a gift for reading through my words and sifting out the nuggets of what I’m really about! I’m only on the first part of my journey with Sam and I know I want to keep going with her. She gets excited when we get clarity and seeing you get your wins and on my journey with Slick I have had many.


Slick Coaching Club 

Growth at your pace 

Thinking to Thrive - Action for Growth