Ready to


Generate better results in your business with less compromise







& half your workload  

by turning your Skill into a Superpower 


Start Your Journey to Scale

In 90 days learn how to


  & Scale Your Effort


From concept to creation - increase your income, time and freedom.


The culture of working hard is ingrained deeply into society. 

From a young age we are taught to work hard to achieve. 

The busier we get, the bigger the badge. 

But what if success is not defined by how hard you work but instead by


The culture of success currently is to get busy and work hard. 

The most successful of us are the hardest working or so we are led to believe. 

But the reality is, the hardest working among us are the ones missing out on the one thing that we can not get back… TIME.

Alas! There is another way.

Instead of trading time for money...


Generating the biggest financial impact in the shortest amount of time is how to scale your efforts and create more time, choice and freedom.

This program shows you how.


Lifestyle First! Start Your Journey to Scale

"I earned over £16,000 from one launch following this method "

By scaling my efforts, I took my day to day skill and created a training facility that has allowed me to train more people in less time. Meaning I can help more people and also give me more time to spend with my family, which was my ultimate goal. Using this methodology I was able to claim back two whole weeks of time as well as earn over 16k. The best bit... I am only just getting started. 

Jane Pettit - Recruitment Training Consultant

Take your skill and supersize it

into a format that allows you to enjoy life at your pace. 

Working with commitment, not exhaustion.


Side effects of Scaling Your Efforts...
Choice and freedom.
Life on your terms. 
More time, less hustle.
More income with less effort
More energy, no burnout!


After a quick stint in a 9-5 role 20 years ago I quickly realised that trading my time for money, 40 hours a week wasn’t going to be for me. 

From this experience my mantra was born,


My first approach to supersize my time and bank account was as a professional makeup artist. 

Travelling the world working in fashion and advertising allowed me to earn in 5 days what I had earned in my 9-5.

I soon realised that I could scale my efforts further by retailing products I was already recommending. Adding in an additional income stream and allowing me to make more money with less effort. 

By the time I had my first Son I had scaled my product business (with a team) to turnover $500,000 in sales per year. Creating a passive income by default as people shopped the products online.

As the fashion industry began to change and my family grew it was time to change tact so I took my 15 years of business experience and created a coaching program that allowed me to generate that same monthly income I started with 20 years ago from just 1 client. 

Now I have an ecosystem of services and products that utilise my zone of genius, skills and knowledge and solve the problems of the people I help without me always needing to show up. 

Working smart and choosing LIFESTYLE FIRST. 

"I am  achieving more and working smarter."

I am so pleased that I made the decision to join Sam on this program. I have learnt more than I ever thought possible. I now have a clear strategy to follow that I will use time and time again. I am excited to see where this all takes me. I have a new business about to be launched thanks to Sam’s coaching. The support and encouragement has been just perfect for me. I am definitely achieving more and working smarter.
I am very grateful and would highly recommend working with Sam.

Judy Walford - Beauty Therapist and Business Owner






From your initial idea to creation, the Scale Your Efforts program, shows you how to create an ecosystem of products and services that utilise your genius and skill. 

Taking what you know and amplifying it to generate more. 






We are here to guide you each step of the way.

Teaching you to market and sell your products or services, to drive results both in terms of income and time. 

Showing you how to create a bespoke system that fits into your busy life. 

A system that amplifies your results and gives you more space, time and fulfilment.




12 Weeks of live Coaching.
Online Business, Marketing and Sales Course
Marketing and Sales strategies
Mindset and confidence coaching.
Community of like minded scalers.
Tech support


This coaching experience gets you in the (virtual) room with Sam and a community of like minded individuals.
Support, guidance and coaching is provided throughout the program to help you optimise and create in the perfect way for you. 
Uncover what you need to do next and receive the support and guidance to take the right action.


A business that provides you with more time, income, and results. 

Start now

Included in 

Scale Your Efforts 

Live Group Coaching

12 weeks of group coaching. Learn new skills, ask questions, get support, stay accountable, brainstorm ideas and improve your confidence and mindset. 

Marketing and Sales

Develop your strategy. Learn unique skills to help you create marketing in an effective way and drive more sales into your business. 

Online Business Course

Learn everything you need to know about building a smart eco system in our quick and easy to access online learning portal.

Tech support

No more struggling with tricky tech. Guidance on how to make life slick by pressing the right buttons and generating more success.

Mindset and Confidence coaching

Live and on demand mindset and confidence coaching to help support your mindset as you grow to your new level. Hypnosis audios included to quickly  upgrade your deep inner mind.

Community of scalers

Supportive community connected 24/7. Support from the coaches to help you stay focused and progressive.

"I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is overwhelmed in their business and wanting to create more time."

I enrolled in the Scale Your Efforts program, partly knowing what I wanted to create at the end of it. However, what you learn is so much more than I expected. The background to creating products, and full insight and support in how to set up campaigns and technical support. The group setting was fabulous because we all shared and learnt from each other. Sam is so knowledgeable and holds the space in order to allow you to grow at your own pace. This program has given me the knowledge to grow and scale multiple times and ways.
I have taken what I did face to face and created an online service and a group workshop. Scaling my effort and giving me more time to live. Thank you so much Sam.

Paula Stuart - Menopause Coach

Fast, effective, solution-based education, coaching and support.

Our desire for you...


  Slick Transformations

"I 5 x my time and income by scaling my efforts"

I took my business, passion and zone of genius and amplified my results by creating a service that served 5 clients at once. This allowed me to consolidate five separate shoots into one and leverage my income at the same time with additional digital products, giving me more time to be with my kids and reducing the mental impact of running a busy business.  

Natasha Cadman - Professional Branding Photographer


"From a full time role, to flexibility and freedom"

I left my job as a hairdresser and created an online service that gives me more time, choice and freedom.  Without working with Sam and learning how I can scale my efforts I would still be working for someone else. Cutting hair behind a chair for 9 hours a day. Now I wake up every single day full of joy and gratitude for my life. I am operating from my zone of genius and helping others is what I love. Thanks Sam for helping me create my dream life. 

Nat Toms - Virtual Assistant and Hairdresser


"I created thousands of pounds in revenue by scaling my efforts"

And using my skill as a semi-permanent makeup artist to help others launch a successful six figure academy just I did. Working with Sam helped me create, launch and scale my skill. I am delighted with my results and have gone on to create other courses and a membership, as well as passive incomes via this method. I have more time to live the life I want, spend time with my little boy and live in more ease and less stress. 

Jenna Leigh - Mentor and Coach



As you grow your business or promote through your career, you begin to earn more. 

But with the increase in pay, comes the responsibility of more commitment, more stress, more overwhelm and less time to do the things you really want. 

When you upgrade the conditioned mindset of needing to work harder to achieve more and replace it with a WORK SMART model it allows you to create something that can pay you for your genius and not your time worked. 

By scaling your efforts you create a product and service suite that provides you with the opportunity to earn more, with less effort. 

It’s a unique approach and methodology that is TRULY LIFE CHANGING.

Lifestyle first - Start your journey to scaling your efforts

Access these bonus's when you start today





When it comes to progress and growth, mindset is everything. To support your growth I am including my unique coaching methodology program to aid the deep inner mind to be upgraded and become supportive of the lifestyle you are creating. This unique four step process helps you create clarity around the outcome you want to achieve, uncovers the blocks and believes that currently prevent your success and then shows you how to disrupt patterns and create new beliefs to better support your growth. Downloadable hypnosis audios are also included to induce rapid change. 





Keeping you accountable and on track as you begin your journey to scale. If accountability is your thing, join the exclusive support pod and get close access to me and the slick team. Ask a question, declare your goals, share your wins.

Watch how having a running partner (or several) can increase your success. 





Slick and effective marketing helps take your clients on a journey to purchase. This mini course shows you how to create content quickly and how to place it to drive more sales. Never worry about what to create again.





Three experts sharing all things, SEO, branding and social media live inside the online portal. Improve your skills and learn how to develop your business further with these amazing classes. 

Program Investment 



£800 worth of extras



12 weeks of live group coaching

Self Study Mindset and development course

Hypnosis downloads

Self Study online Business and Marketing course

Group coaching support pod 

Training resources

Tech Support

Start Now



Pay in Full Bonus




12 weeks of live group coaching

Self Study Mindset and development course

Hypnosis downloads

Self Study online Business and Marketing course

Group coaching support pod 

Training resources

Tech Support

Start Now



3 monthly payments




12 weeks of live group coaching

Self Study Mindset and development course

Hypnosis downloads

Self Study online Business and Marketing course

Group coaching support pod 

Training resources

Tech Support

Start Now


Invest risk free with our seven day money back guarantee. 

If you decide after purchase that this is not the right program for you we will provide a 100% refund no questions asked. 

This is for you if...

You are ready to create more white space in your life and dictate the pace at which you live.  

Imagine how freeing it will be to spend your time doing the things you love and still earn a great income in a smart way. 

You are ready for the next level of growth

If you want to generate more income passively or semi passively

If you want support and guidance.

If you are ready to be accountable.

If you want new skills and strategies.

If you want to make more money and get better results.

If you want business to be joyful and life more fun.

If you want to develop your mindset to be more supportive of your goals.

If you are starting out and want a place to start.


This program was designed to mirror similar work I do in one-to-one coaching but in the format of self-study and group coaching.

We are passionate about creating a community of Thriving business owners and supporting their growth and success.  

Start my journey to Scale